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Skills Senior Engineers need, beyond coding

  1. How to run a meeting, and no, being the person who talks the most in the meeting is not the same thing as running it
  2. How to write a design doc, take feedback, and drive it to resolution, in a reasonable period of time
  3. How to mentor an early-career teammate, a mid-career engineer, a new manager who needs technical advice
  4. How to indulge a senior manager who wants to talk about technical stuff that they don’t really understand, without rolling your eyes or making them feel stupid
  5. How to explain a technical concept behind closed doors to a senior person too embarrassed to openly admit that they don’t understand it
  6. How to influence another team to use your solution instead of writing their own
  7. How to get another engineer to do something for you by asking for help in a way that makes them feel appreciated
  8. How to lead a project even though you don’t manage any of the people working on the project
  9. How to get other engineers to listen to your ideas without making them feel threatened
  10. How to listen to other engineers’ ideas without feeling threatened
  11. How to give up your baby, that project that you built into something great, so you can do something else
  12. How to teach another engineer to care about that thing you really care about (operations, correctness, testing, code quality, performance, simplicity, etc)
  13. How to communicate project status to stakeholders
  14. How to convince management that they need to invest in a non-trivial technical project
  15. How to build software while delivering incremental value in the process
  16. How to craft a project proposal, socialize it, and get buy-in to execute it
  17. How to repeat yourself enough that people start to listen
  18. How to pick your battles
  19. How to help someone get promoted
  20. How to get information about what’s really happening (how to gossip, how to network)
  21. How to find interesting work on your own, instead of waiting for someone to bring it to you
  22. How to tell someone they’re wrong without making them feel ashamed
  23. How to take negative feedback gracefully


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