Often I wanted to store my twitter feed or any other online feed into my google spreadsheets. Here is how to do it. USING GOOGLE DOCS SPREADSHEET Create a new blank spreadsheet. In the column A2 enter =ImportFeed(“http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/princemishra1.rss”,”items title”,false,20). Replace "princemishra1" with your twitter username. 20 is the maximum number of updates you can see at any one time. The updates are cached by the google server, so you may see some delays. You can view the spreadsheet I created at https://spreadsheets1.google.com/ccc?key=td3mefj69f71XSlbRiREuhA&hl=en#gid=0 USING EXCEL Create a blank spreadsheet. Select Data -> From Web This should open the New Web Query Window. In the address field enter http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/princemishra1.rss (Replace princemishra1 with your twitter username) and press Go. Excel will now fetch all your twitter updates. After the fetching has fi...
Me, Mine and Myself