Solution: Password for ‘(null)’ GNOME keyring December 14, 2010 selvamanisampath Uncategorized 1 Comment You can commit you project using subversion as follows: svn commit -m “Your comment here for your modification on the project” –username <gmailusername> Then the following prompt should be opened for commiting your project successfully… Password for ‘<gmailusername>’ : For this password, you should give your password assigned to you while hosting your project. First time commiting project using svn commit will work properly. If you are commiting your project next time, you can get the prompt like Password for ‘(null)’ GNOME keyring: which means, Multiple keyrings are present on a users system. All users will have a default keyring, and another which is only stored in memory. For each commit, gnome-keyring stores the user details in another keyring. To disable this, open th...
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