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Showing posts from March 23, 2011


जीवन की ये अभिलाषा, कभी न पूरी होने वाली आशा , नदिया सागर जीवन सारा, ये प्यास न बुझने की निराशा... जीवन की ये अभिलाषा पूरी करने को अनवरत दौड़ रहा, ख़त्म हो गया जीवन सारा कुछ न पाने की ये निराशा जीवन की ये अभिलाषा कभी न पूरी होने वाली आशा, न रहती अधूरी, गर हो जाती पूरी


There are different wells within your heart. Some fill with each good rain, Others are far too deep for that. In one well You have just a few precious cups of water, That “love” is literally something of yourself, It can grow as slow as a diamond If it is lost. Your love Should never be offered to the mouth of a stranger, Only to someone Who has the valor and daring To cut pieces of their soul off with a knife Then weave them into a blanket to protect you. Courtesy : Paulo Coehlo

I Love Drush

I love drush. I simply do! Those guys at have done a wonderful wonderful job by creating drush!! for downloading and enabling a module, all I had to do was this : $cd /path/to/drupal/root $drush dl <module_name> $drush en <module_name> Don't agree? quickstart@qs091:/var/www/demo/drupal-6.20$ drush dl panels Project panels (6.x-3.9) downloaded to /var/www/demo/drupal-6.20/sites/all/modules/panels.                                                        [success] Project panels contains 4 modules: panels_ipe, panels_mini, panels_node, panels. quickstart@qs091:/var/www/demo/drupal-6.20$ drush en panels The following projects have unmet dependencies: panels requires ctools Would you like to download them? (y/n): y Project ctools (6.x-1.8) downloaded to /var/www/demo/drupal-6.20/sites/all/modules/ctools.   ...