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Showing posts from June 7, 2021

Falling into the pit of success

Source: Imagine that systems of your organization are like a complicated piece of terrain. The people operating in the system are little balls rolling around. Victory is some sweet spot in the terrain somewhere. Depending on where Victory is it might be pretty tricky to get there. Maybe it’s up some big hill. Maybe there’s a lot of potholes. Maybe the path isn’t very direct. If you had a Pit of Success organization, then Victory would literally be this GIANT hole in the middle that you just automatically fall into. You can’t help but win. Anyone work at a place like that? Me either. Here’s the kicker. The terrain tends to get worse rather than better as things get complicated. For pretty simple reasons too. For instance, new parts of the system tend to be based on the old parts. So, say you have part of the terrain that’s full of potholes. Yup, naturally when adding to the system people are going to copy them,