Dearest Laluji, Bihar elections are one of a kind in India. They have a very special ingenuity that's uniquely different from elections contested in any other part of the country. And who knows that better than you? You have lived the King for three reigns. Your plank of caste, your efficient use of your " lathi " and your everlasting love for " fellow Yadavs " has returned you favors, to which your consecutive wins can rightly be attributed. But what went wrong now? Has Bihar's illiterate and "dehaati" public stopped playing ostrich to your political drama, or is it just the light of development Nitish showed us? Something somewhere is just not right for You. Soniaji atleast accepted her defeat. You, are still playing obnoxious. We are no fools Laluji. Moments after the mandate came out, Bloggers, Writers and media persons throughout internet and newspapers brought out how the landslide win of NDA over RJD was rightly due to the taste ...
Me, Mine and Myself