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Showing posts from July 4, 2011

If life were a periodic function of time!

As the crystal rays of sunlight enter into my room, through the tiny perforation in my newly constructed window, and fall on my face, I open my eyes. I open them gently, and pulling myself up, I think. I think if this morning bears any resemblance to any of those memorable ones at AIT. Thinking that against all the odds, against all the contraries this morning be slight like the old fashioned ones. The ones in 304E, the ones in 004C, those in 005C or the ones in 213A! The mornings when I would wake up first only to see my roommates enjoying their sweet sleep and I would jump onto my bed again and moments later I would hear Sood screaming " GET UP ASSHOLE...CLASSES START AT 9.15 !" and minutes later, I would find myself in my class...studyng! Times have changed! They certainly have! I have office to go to. I have a bus to catch. Have work to do. Books to read. I hate to wake up early. I hate to get ready on time! If time could just reverse direction. If life were a periodic...