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lazy programmer

A lazy programmer loves programming, but hates working, so they work as little as possible.

A lazy programmer finds every possible way to avoid working in the weekends.

A lazy programmer writes a lot of tests, so QA junks do not waste their time.

A lazy programmer documents their code, so thar coworkers do not waste their time.

A lazy programmer is a master of delegation. After they delegated a task, they immeditaly forget about it.

A lazy programmer do not edit long files, they teach regular expressions how to edit the file in their place.

A lazy programmer do not deploy in production, they instruct Jenkins to do that. Therefore a lazy programmer is not afraid of deploying on Friday afternoon.

A lazy programmer goes to the office as little as possible, possibly when other non-lazy people are not around, so they don’t waste their time.

A lazy programmaer knows the best tools of their trade, so that they can reuse other people work as much as possible.

A lazy programmer is easy going, because arguing about silly things is, well, silly and tiring.

A lazy programmer is super efficient, does in a couple of hours what would take a whole day to others, so that they can spend the rest of they lingering on the couch feasting on Netflix.

A lazy programmer stares at the code for hours, trying to figure out the way to write as little code as possible.

A lazy programmer makes use of existing tools and services, so they can release earlier.

A lazy programmer uses the basic UI template the hosting service provides them and then they say it’s brutalism.



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