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The missing guide to useful Python 3 features

Numerous people started to shift their Python version from 2 to 3 due to Python EOL. One of the most well-known changes is; print function in Python 2 is replaced by the print() function in Python 3. However, parentheses work in Python 2 if a space is added after print keyword because the interpreter evaluates it as an expression. Below, I introduce a few illustrations of amazing features you can find only in Python 3 in the hopes that it will solve your Python problems easily.

All examples are coded in python 3.8.0

f-strings (3.6 +)

It is hard to perform anything in whatever programming language without strings and you expect a structured way to work with strings to stay productive. Most people who use Python prefer to use the format method.

user = “Prince”
action = “coding”
log_message = ‘User {} has logged in and did an action {}.’.format(
# User Prince has logged in and did an action coding.

In addition to the format, Python 3 provides a versatile way of interpolating strings via f-strings. It looks like the same code as above using f-strings:

user = “Prince”
action = “coding”
log_message = f’User {user} has logged in and did an action {action}.’
# User Prince has logged in and did an action coding.

Pathlib (3.4+)

f-strings are incredible, but strings such as file paths have their own libraries that make it easier to manipulate them. As a convenient abstraction for working with file paths, Python 3 provides pathlib. If you’re not sure why you should use pathlib, seek to read this excellent post by Trey Hunner — Why you should use pathlib.

from pathlib import Pathroot = Path(‘post_sub_folder’)
# post_sub_folder
path = root / ‘happy_user’# Make the path absolute
# /home/weenkus/Workspace/Projects/DataWhatNow- Codes/how_your_python3_should_look_like/post_sub_folder/happy_user

Type hinting (3.5+)

Static as against dynamic typing is a hot topic in software engineering and literally everybody has a perspective on it. I’ll let the reader decide when to write types, but I feel you should at least know that Python 3 supports type hints.

def sentence_has_animal(sentence: str) -> bool:
return “animal” in sentence
sentence_has_animal(“Donald had a farm without animals”)
# True

Enumerations (3.4+)

Python 3 facilitates a simple way to write enumerations in the Enum class. Enums are a useful way to encapsulate constants lists of constants so they do not appear randomly through the code without much structure.

from enum import Enum, auto
class Monster(Enum):
ZOMBIE = auto()
WARRIOR = auto()
BEAR = auto()
# Monster.ZOMBIE

An enumeration is a set of symbolic names (members) bound to unique, constant values. Within an enumeration, the members can be compared by identity, and the enumeration itself can be iterated over.

for monster in Monster:
# Monster.ZOMBIE
# Monster.WARRIOR
# Monster.BEAR

Built-in LRU cache (3.2+)

Almost in every horizontal slice of the software and hardware, we utilize today, caches are present. Python 3 makes it very simple to use by exposing an LRU(Least Recently Used) cache as a decorator called lru cache.

Below is a basic Fibonacci function that we understand will benefit from caching because with a recursion it does the same job several times.

import time
def fib(number: int) -> int:
if number == 0: return 0
if number == 1: return 1
return fib(number-1) + fib(number-2)start = time.time()
print(f’Duration: {time.time() — start}s’)
# Duration: 30.684099674224854s

Now we can use lru cache to configure it(this optimization technique called memoization). The runtime lowers from seconds to nanoseconds.

from functools import lru_cache
def fib_memoization(number: int) -> int:
if number == 0: return 0
if number == 1: return 1
return fib_memoization(number-1) + fib_memoization(number-2)start = time.time()
print(f’Duration: {time.time() — start}s’)
# Duration: 6.866455078125e-05s

Extended iterable unpacking (3.0+)

I ‘m going to let code discuss here (docs).

 head, *body, tail = range(5)
print(head, body, tail)
# 0 [1, 2, 3] 4
py, filename, *cmds = “python3.7 -n 5 -l 15”.split()
# python3.7
# [‘-n’, ‘5’, ‘-l’, ‘15’]
first, _, third, *_ = range(10)
print(first, third)
# 0 2

Data classes (3.7+)

Python 3 provides data classes which have few restrictions and can be used to minimize boilerplate code since the decorator automatically generates special methods like ¼__init__( ) and __repr__( ). They are listed by the official proposal as ‘mutable named tuples with defaults.’

class Armor:
  def __init__(self, armor: float, description: str, level: int = 1):
self.armor = armor
self.level = level
self.description = description
  def power(self) -> float:
return self.armor * self.level
armor = Armor(5.2, “Common armor.”, 2)
# 10.4
# <__main__.Armor object at 0x7fc4800e2cf8>

The same implementation of Armor using data classes.

from dataclasses import dataclass
class Armor:
armor: float
description: str
level: int = 1
   def power(self) -> float:
return self.armor * self.level
armor = Armor(5.2, “Common armor.”, 2)
# 10.4
# Armor(armor=5.2, description=’Common armor.’, level=2)

Implicit namespace packages (3.3+)

One way to structure Python code is in packages (folders with an file). The following example is provided by Python’s official documentation.

sound/                   Top-level package Initialize the sound package
formats/ Subpackage for file format conversions
effects/ Subpackage for sound
filters/ Subpackage for

In Python 2, every folder above had to have an file which turned that folder into a Python package. In Python 3 these files are no longer needed once Implicit Namespace Packages are introduced.

sound/                      Top-level package Initialize the sound package
formats/ Subpackage for file format conversions
effects/ Subpackage for sound
filters/ Subpackage for

Note: If you find, it is not as simple as I pointed it out in this section, from the official PEP 420 Specification — is still required for regular packages, dropping it from the folder structure will turn it into a native namespace package which comes with additional restrictions, the official docs on native namespace packages show a great example of this, as well as naming all the restrictions.

Underscores in numeric literals (3.6+)

Python 3.6 provides an excellent way to allow reading numerical literals by enabling underscored in the numbers. This can be used to demonstrate, for instance: thousands, hexadecimal and binary numbers.

cost = 10_000
print(f’Cost: {cost}’)
# Cost: 10000
hex_flag = 0xDAFE_FFF8
print(f’Hex flag: {hex_flag}’)
# Hex flag: 3674144760
binary = 0b_0011_1001
print(f’Binary: {binary}’)
# Binary: 57

Python 3.6 provides an excellent way to allow reading numerical literals by enabling the numbers to be underscored. This can be used to demonstrate, for instance: thousands, hexadecimal and binary numbers.

Assignment expressions — “walrus operator” (3.8+)

With Python’s latest version, the walrus operator is introduced, which makes a variable assignment of expression. It can be useful if you intend to refer to the expression later in code and save a line or two in code.

animals = [‘dog’, ‘lion’, ‘bear’, ‘tiger’]for animal in animals:
if (len_animal := len(animal)) > 4:
print(f’The animal “{animal}” has “{len_animal}”, letters!’)
# The animal “tiger” has “5”, letters!

The Ending Note

As almost every internet list, this one is not complete. I hope this information illustrates you at least one Python 3 functionality that wasn’t known previously, and it will allow you to write smoother and more instinctive code.


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