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Install and run cs:go gameserver on ubuntu server

Preliminary operations

Before installing SteamCMD, make sure that lib32gcc1 package is  on the server.

To install this package, type:

$ sudo apt-get install lib32gcc1

Downloading and installing SteamCMD

Now everything is ready to install SteamCMD.   However, it is not recommended to do so as a root user since if a problem arises, it could interfere with the entire system. 

To proceed, just create a new dedicated user. 

To do so, type:

$ sudo useradd -m steam

Then switch to the new user by typing: 

$ su - steam

To have an installation path, create a new directory by writing:

$ mkdir ~/Steam && cd ~/Steam

 As a result, all the files will be installed in the new directory ~/Steam

Now download the latest version of SteamCMD from the Valve server:

$ wget

The file you have  just downloaded is a package .tar that you will need to unpack before running.

To unzip the file write:

$ tar xf steamcmd_linux.tar.gz

You can now run SteamCMD by typing:


If  everything was done correctly,   the steam prompt will be displayed The steam prompt can be recognized thanks to the word:


that will always be there  no matter what you type .

Downloading the server

Once entered the Steam prompt,  log in. 

The user ID and password  required here are the same as your steam account.

To do so, write:

$ login <UserID> <password>

where you  are required to replace the UserID and password with those of your steam account.

To  dedicate a folder for the installation of the CS: GO server, write:

$ force_install_dir ./cs_go/

 After doing so, you can finally download and install the CS: GO server by writing:

$ app_update 740 validate

This command contains the number 740,  an appID for the dedicated Counter-Strike server: Global Offensive.

The process may take a few minutes. 

Once the process is completed, create a game server account.

To do so,  enter the following address:

Two fields are present below: 

In the first field  enter the appID, which in this case is 730.

The second field is for inserting a note that is only visible to you.

Click Create to generate a key for starting the server.

Once all the steps are done, it’s time to start the dedicated Server.

Network configurations

Your server should allow incoming connections both TCP and UDP on port 27015 and allow outgoing traffic on port 27060 (both TCP and UDP)

Config changes

Open the following files (create them if they don't exist):


and add the following lines:
sv_setsteamaccount <login_token>
sv_setsteamaccount <login_token>
Yes, two times

Starting the server

To start up the server there is a specific command for each desired game mode.

First, l enter in the directory cs_go, then type the command corresponding to the mode chosen. 

Remember to add the key you received from the Steam game server management after + sv_setsteamaccount.

$ cd cs_go


$ ./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon -net_port_try 1 + game_type 0 + game_mode 0 + mapgroup mg_active + map de_dust2 + sv_setsteamaccount THISGSLTHERE


$ ./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon -net_port_try 1 + game_type 0 + game_mode 1 + mapgroup mg_active + map de_dust2 + sv_setsteamaccount THISGSLTHERE


$ ./srcds_run -game csgo -console -usercon -net_port_try 1 + game_type 1 + game_mode 2 + mapgroup mg_allclassic + map de_dust + sv_setsteamaccount THISGSLTHERE


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