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Murphy's Bus Laws

I had been a bus traveller ever since I started working. And its been 2.5 months! Travelling by bus has its own prenup. So I archived a few of my personal experiences along with some more taken from internet in what I call the Murphy's Bus Laws!
  • If its raining, or cold or both the bus will be late
  • If you're early the bus is late If you're late the bus was early
  • The other people at the bus stop are waiting for the bus that has just pulled in
  • If you have no change then the bus driver won't have any either
  • Two buses for the same place will always pull in together
  • Corollary : multiple buses for corporation will come when you are looking for a Pune Station bus.
  • The sign at the front of the bus is merely for decoration it is not the destination of the bus
  • Waiting for a bus seems to be longer than the journey
  • The bus you plan to take always leaves five minutes before you reach the bus stop.
  • The first bus from your route will always appear first in the opposite direction.
  • The more times you ask the driver to tell you when to get off the bus, the chance he won't tell you is bigger.
  • Irrespective time and route, Pune city buses are always crowded
  • Corollary : Buses travelling in exactly opposite direction go empty.
  • The last person on the bus always wants the last stop
  • When walking to a bus stop, if you'll look back to see if the bus is coming, it won't, if you won't look back, the bus will pass you just as you'll reach the bus stop.
  • Chat with a pretty girl, and the bus will arrive immediately.


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