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Facebook + Transliteration = meriBhasha
From google documentation :
<pre> Transliteration API
<post> Custom event handlers to post on FB stream

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="">
    <script type="text/javascript">

      // Load the Google Transliterate API
      google.load("elements", "1", {
            packages: "transliteration"

      var transliterationControl;
      function onLoad() {
        var options = {
            sourceLanguage: 'en',
            destinationLanguage: ['ar','hi','kn','ml','ta','te'],
            transliterationEnabled: true,
            shortcutKey: 'ctrl+g'
        // Create an instance on TransliterationControl with the required
        // options.
        transliterationControl =
          new google.elements.transliteration.TransliterationControl(options);

        // Enable transliteration in the textfields with the given ids.
        var ids = [ "transl1", "transl2" ];

        // Add the STATE_CHANGED event handler to correcly maintain the state
        // of the checkbox.

        // Add the SERVER_UNREACHABLE event handler to display an error message
        // if unable to reach the server.

        // Add the SERVER_REACHABLE event handler to remove the error message
        // once the server becomes reachable.

        // Set the checkbox to the correct state.
        document.getElementById('checkboxId').checked =

        // Populate the language dropdown
        var destinationLanguage =
        var languageSelect = document.getElementById('languageDropDown');
        var supportedDestinationLanguages =
        for (var lang in supportedDestinationLanguages) {
          var opt = document.createElement('option');
          opt.text = lang;
          opt.value = supportedDestinationLanguages[lang];
          if (destinationLanguage == opt.value) {
            opt.selected = true;
          try {
            languageSelect.add(opt, null);
          } catch (ex) {

      // Handler for STATE_CHANGED event which makes sure checkbox status
      // reflects the transliteration enabled or disabled status.
      function transliterateStateChangeHandler(e) {
        document.getElementById('checkboxId').checked = e.transliterationEnabled;

      // Handler for checkbox's click event.  Calls toggleTransliteration to toggle
      // the transliteration state.
      function checkboxClickHandler() {

      // Handler for dropdown option change event.  Calls setLanguagePair to
      // set the new language.
      function languageChangeHandler() {
        var dropdown = document.getElementById('languageDropDown');

      // SERVER_UNREACHABLE event handler which displays the error message.
      function serverUnreachableHandler(e) {
        document.getElementById("errorDiv").innerHTML =
            "Transliteration Server unreachable";

      // SERVER_UNREACHABLE event handler which clears the error message.
      function serverReachableHandler(e) {
        document.getElementById("errorDiv").innerHTML = "";

  <center>Type in Indian languages (Press Ctrl+g to toggle between English and Hindi)</center>
    <div id='translControl'>
      <input type="checkbox" id="checkboxId" onclick="javascript:checkboxClickHandler()"></input>
      Type in <select id="languageDropDown" onchange="javascript:languageChangeHandler()"></select>
    <br>Title : <input type='textbox' id="transl1"/>
    <br>Body<br><textarea id="transl2" style="width:600px;height:200px"></textarea>
    <br><div id="errorDiv"></div>

The working demo is available at :

1. Make an FB app out of it.
2. The app should allow the "converted text" to be posted on the user's wall thereby allowing MULTILINGUAL UPDATES on FB.
{done above}
3. Allow posting on friends' walls
4. registered app : "meriBhasha"


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