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There's a reason for everything

While googling last night, I came across this wonderful quote by marlyn monroe :
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them
when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better
things can fall together."

And yes, my conclusion says, yes, everything does happen for a reason. And there is a lesson to be learnt in every quest. The key is, to be able to recognize what the lesson is. I know that often times I do not recognize why something happened at first or why some person came into my life at the time they did. And why I could not continue to be with them. Why I could not make it to the future with them alongside. Sometimes it may be days, weeks, even months later that I can look at what happened and say “Ah ha! That is why that happened the way it did. Because if that hadn’t happened (what I perceived as negative at the time) then this wonderful thing could not have happened to me now.


  1. Yaa Buddy ..I do agree .
    The GD part i will n't forget throughout ma lyf. Jst tryin to improvise on it ..:)

  2. As I said "Everything happens for a reason". The sooner you realize, the better. Prepare well..Hope to see you in form soon.

  3. Yes, truly iterated time and again. There IS a reason for everything!

  4. Hmmm.. Yes I also do believe in "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON"... in other words we shud also remember that we have to only find the silver line behind every dark cloud in our life.. STAY POSITIVE STAY BLESSED


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