No, I did not misspell the Batman Superhit! its my way of describing the NIGHT before the exam! Yes, I have my CN exam tomorrow noon! I haven't yet read the chapters..and what do I have? 15 hours for 12 chapters..that's like 1.25 hours per chapter..60 pages an hour..1 page a minute...Completely doable !
No, I am not psyching out. I am not distressed. But why is it that on every night before the exam, I have to pray to God if he could just give me one more day! If...
And the dark night hails on..
No, I am not psyching out. I am not distressed. But why is it that on every night before the exam, I have to pray to God if he could just give me one more day! If...
And the dark night hails on..
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